Monday, December 6, 2010

12.6.10 Weighted Pullups & Grace

Didn't have long at the gym today.

Max deadhang Pullups w/ 10#: 10, 8, 7 (neck to bar)

30 Clean & Jerk scaled to 115#: 4:54

Saturday, December 4, 2010

12.4.10: Hike, Box Squat, Bench Press

In the morning I went on a 6 or 7 mile hike at Redwood Regional Park on Redwood Road with Alex.  Such a beautiful place so close to home!

In the afternoon I worked out with Joe:
Played around with Joe's new bands and box squats.  Worked up to 135#x2 w/ "Average" strength band, 135#x2 w/ the average and the mini-band.
Bench Press: 135x5, 155x5, 160x5, 135x12
Seated box jump up to 38 1/2"
Glute-Ham Raises 2x12

Addison Road's "What Do I Know of Holy?"

I made You promises a thousand times
I tried to hear from Heaven
But I talked the whole time
I think I made You too small
I never feared You at all No
If You touched my face would I know You?
Looked into my eyes could I behold You?

What do I know of You
Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean?
Are You fire? Are You fury?
Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?
What do I know? What do I know of Holy?

I guess I thought that I had figured You out
I knew all the stories and I learned to talk about
How You were mighty to save
Those were only empty words on a page
Then I caught a glimpse of who You might be
The slightest hint of You brought me down to my knees

What do I know of You
Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean?
Are You fire? Are You fury?
Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?
What do I know? What do I know of Holy?

What do I know of Holy?
What do I know of wounds that will heal my shame?
And a God who gave life "its" name?
What do I know of Holy?
Of the One who the angels praise?
All creation knows Your name
On earth and heaven above
What do I know of this love?

What do I know of You
Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean?
Are You fire? Are You fury?
Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?
What do I know? What do I know of Holy?

What do I know of Holy?
What do I know of Holy?

Friday, December 3, 2010

12-3-2010: 30 Muscle Ups

30 Muscle ups for time: 15:57.

I had a chance to finish at 14:55 but failed, then failed again at 15:25 before finishing.  At 2:20 I did 10, at 8:10 I was at 20, 12:01 I was at 25.  I failed I think 5 times around my 11th rep.  Definitely could have gone a bit faster but I'm really pleased.  First time finishing this as RX'd!  I used a kind of modified false-grip.  It wasn't a full false-grip, but I had the rings going through my palms rather than my fingers...still need to work on that transition.

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."
- Zig Ziglar

11/14-11/29 Catch-up

I've fallen off the posting band-wagon.  But I will redeem myself with one long post!

Hike 10 miles at casual pace at Point Reyes.

Box Squat to 21" 95x5x5, 115x5, 145x5, 165x3, 185x3
Hill Sprints w/ 1 minute rest: 10, 10.2, 9.6
5 min rest
2 Minutes Max Double Unders: 72 (no rest)
2 Minutes Max Burpees: 30
First time doing box squats...nice!!

6 RFT:
15 Box jumps
5 Deadlift 225#
10 Wallball 20#
3 OHS 95#
Rounds 1-4 rest 1 minute between
Rounds 5 & 6 rest 2 minutes
1:36, 1:36, 1:31, 1:31, 1:41, 1:38

Next to no motivation...worked on bar muscle-ups

Didn't have my journal and lost the paper I wrote the workout on...
Shoulder Press
Seated Dumbell Press 35# kb: 2x12
JM Press: did probably about 8 sets, working on technique.
GHD Raises: 2x15

Alex joined me in the park:
Box Jumps w/ 2 40# DB: 5, 8, 8
10 Minute AMRAP :
Hill Run (100+ yards one way)
2 Muscleups
8 GTOH 95#,
6 DB Swings w/ 2 40# DB Russian Style
3 Rounds + 1 MU

11/26 Climbing at Table Mountain near Jamestown
5.9 trad lead, 5.8 sport lead, 5.10b toprope, 5.8 toprope

Tactical Strength Challenge!
Deadlift: warmup: 135x5, 185x2, 225x2, 275x2, 315.  Attempts: 345, 365, 375 (25# PR!)
deadhang pullups: 16
5 Minute Max Rep 53# KB One Arm Snatch-Swing: 91

Shoulder PRess: 65x5, 80x5, 95x5, 105x5, 110x5, 115x3, f, f
w/ Alex 2 4Runner Pulls approx 30 yards
60 sec handstand hold (took about 9 attempts), rest 2 minutes 30 sec handstand hold
3 RFT: 10 Ring Pushups, 15 1 leg box jumps: 3:10
Rest 2 minutes:
1 Round:
1 minute max zercher squats 45# bar:
1 minute max pullups (kipping): 30
1 minute max thrusters 45# bar: 21
1 minute max knees to elbows: 23

Friday, November 12, 2010

HSPU, Modified Nancy: hill run and OHS

3x3 HSPU full ROM, but scaling using the steps on a ladder...

Run Chateau Hill
15 OHS 65#

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


No strength work today...that's a mistake. But I guess it was good to just get in some work after being sick, busy with finals, and lazy for 5 days without working out!
My own little creation inspired by Fight Gone Bad:
3 Rounds of as many reps in one minute for each movement:
Strict pullups
Push Jerk 95#
One Arm DB Swing 40#
Squat 95#
Rest 1 minute in between rounds.

Rest 1:30,
Chateau hill sprint: 35 seconds. Was going to do 3 but felt a slight twinge in my left glute so I called it there! Legs were nice and dead for the sprints!

Shoulder Press: 65x5, 75x3, 95x3, 105x3, 110x3, 115x3, 120x1, failed on 2nd attempt at 120
Pyramid Double Helen from 2010 Crossfit Games:
Run 1200m, 63 kb swings 53#, 36 pullups
Run 800m, 42 kb swings, 24 pullups
Run 400m, 21 swings, 12 pullups
This was...kinda fun?  It was a grinder and was raining so that was a nice added element...I probably paced things a little too much since I was able to do everything unbroken on the final round.

Monday, November 1, 2010

10.31.10 Squats. Metcon: Pullups, Box Jumps, KB Pulls & 11.1.10 Chipper

Squat warm-up: 5x30 seconds at bottom of squat
SQUAT: 85x5, 105x5, 125x5, 145x5, 165x5

4 Rounds:
6 C2B Deadhang Pullups
15 Box Jumps 33"
8 One Arm 88# KB Pulls onto 41 1/4" box (4 per arm)
Rest 1 minute between rounds
2:00, 1:42, 2:02, 2:26

The squats were good.  I'm working on switching to high bar back squats so I'm not used to going low.  I get much lower, but I'm only getting the stretch reflex on a few reps.  Decided to not push it anymore today.  My legs were tired but my knee felt great and I just didn't want to push it till it hurt.  Maybe a bit conservative but I'm ok with that!  Just happy the knee is better.
Fun metcon Joe and I came up with.  High box jumps are always good.  The pulls were basically the pull of a one-hand kb snatch and it was nice n' heavy...good stuff! 

Today I took from the Team Rogue Vs. Team Again Faster Event 11 that is posted on Tuesday's posting on and scaled it.
For time:
Row 20 Calories

20 KB Push Press 35#
50 Double Unders
20 Box Jumps 33"
20 Wall Ball 10#
20 Bench Press 95#
9 Rope ascents on a 4'(?) towel-rope

Just got 'er done today.  Nothing impressive and no strength work.  Better than nothing.

Friday, October 29, 2010

10.29.10 Shoulder Press. metcon: pullups, burpees, & hill run 10.28.10 Tactical Strength Challenge!

Worked out with my buddy Alex Cardiasmenos so it was a good night!

Shoulder press: 65x5, 75x5, 95x5, 105x5, 110x5

3 RFT:
15 pullups
15 burpees
1 chateau ct hill run.
Nothing hard/heavy in this and did the pullups and burpees unbroken, just a good lung burner.  I was going to do the pullups as C2B but when Alex did it with a respectable 10:15 first (even though he's out of cardio shape for him) I decided I needed to try to beat him with regular pullups.  Maybe I should have tried to beat him with c2b but that's a good mini-goal to strive for in the future.

Did the tactical strength challenge today! Joe's idea for all of us to try this November.  I'll try it again sometime in late Novemeber.  Great fun!
1: 320#
2: 335#
3: 350#

deadhang Pullups:

24k Kettlebell Snatch in 5 minutes:
Total score: 76
(((325/440) + (15/20) + (75/100))/3 )*100 = 76

Thoughts on the challenge:
-Joe suggested we try a different kind of challenge each month and this was a great one to start off with rather than creating one ourselves which we all love to do!  Joe, Jerrod, Lisa, Amanda, and Jake will be the competitors, although Jake is too tweaked right now to be able to do this much upper body work this month.  Next month we'll do something that is all or predominantly lower body so he can join in the fun!
-Definitely room to improve on the snatches.  I have pretty sloppy form and don't drop under the weight much so I know I can get to 90.  I hope to have close to 100 by the end of Novemeber!
-On the deadlift I was not at my max even though it was a 20# pr!  The bar came up pretty quickly so I think I have about 20# more in me. 
-The pullups were interesting since the standard is a COMPLETE deadhang with NO kipping at all.  Joe correctly called one rep no good because I slightly kipped using my shoulders (and maybe my hips some too).  Also with the full range of motion being touching your neck or chest at the top it takes a bit more out of you too.  Interesting.  Certainly makes it a straightforward standard to judge.
-Fun stuff!!!  Below is the video of me.  Also, Bergen is included in the video, and he is just learning the movements so did lighter snatches and we weren't strict on his pullup form. Also included is my 10# pr on the clean and Jerk at 195# and some nice failures at 200#.  Once I get to 175# and higher I can't clean it...I just go into a power clean. Got to work on that since I'm easily getting it high enough on the pull!!

Joe mistakenly didn't include my pullups on the first video.  The interesting thing is that not only is my 10th rep no good, but Jerrod pointed out the first 5 are not true deadhangs either. Questionable. Good thing I'm doing this TSC again!  Here they are ... 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

10.25.10 Snatch & 10.26.10 Clean & Jerk and Heavy Baby Fran

Snatch skill work

Clean and Jerk: 65x4, 95x4, 115x2, 135, 150, 165, 175, 185 (tied PR), 195 (PR+10lbs), 200 f, f, f

Heavy Baby Fran
Thrusters 135lbs
C2B Pullups

Good to go heavy on the thrusters and push myself.  Broke it up into sets of 5 and 4 for the first round, then sets of 3 for the rest. c2b pullups were easy.

Friday, October 22, 2010

10-22-10 weighted pullups. Metcon: OHS, Burpees, Ring Dips

Warmup included 4 sets of hanging out in the bottom of the squat 30 seconds each pushing my chest up and butt down!!

Deadhand Pullups: 3@10#, 3@20#, 3@30#, 3@40#, 3@50#, 3@60# (PR), 2.5@65# (PR)

8 min AMRAP:
5 OHS 95#
8 Burpees
8 ring dips

4 Rounds even.

Pleased with my work today.  Probably should have only done 5 ring dips which would have allowed me to do more of every other movement, but it was still a good workout!  Haven't done OHS in a long time but I could tell a difference-I'm stronger in my shoulders and feeling a little more comfortable in the bottom from the stretching.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jerks. Run, Thrusters & Burpees

65x3, 95x3, 115x3, 135x3, 145x3, 155x3

Run 400
12 Thrusters 95#
21 burpees

Good to do jerks since it's been a looong time!  The metcon was just a grinding workout.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Deadlift & metcon: goblet step-ups, row, bench press

It's been too long!

3x135, 3x185, 3x225, 3x255, 3x285, 3x305

5 RFT:
10 step-ups to box. (per leg) w/ 70# kb in goblet squat position
250m Row
12 Bench Press 95#
Rest 2 min.
2:15, 2:19, 2:42, 2:27, 2:55

Good hard work with that planned rest!  The goblet step-ups were a cool movement and became tough to hold up in the later rounds.  Joe came up with a nice one here!  Good to be back to deadlifting after almost 4 months off!  Zero knee pain.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fran - Last workout of my twenties

Decided I needed to end my twenties with a bang so I had to choose a tough workout.  Weird, huh?  I think you guys get it though.  So I chose Fran... 21 - 15 - 9 of 95# thrusters and pullups.  Yep.  I was gunning for Joe's PR of 5:44.  Thought since I've been working on my shoulder press and doing some weighted pullups and feeling good today I just might have a chance.

I got 5:50.  It was a huge storm pain!!  I did the first set of thrusters and pullups unbroken (actually I rested the bar on my shoulders in the rack position once or twice on the thrusters) and that just punished me...But I didn't lay down and die or feel sorry for myself so I'm really pleased with a 34 second PR since I last did it in June...that was 5 days before I fell and fractured my knee!!  So I'm very happy with making this kind of progress and not loosing major work capacity over the short time domain after such a major setback that I've only been able to run once in the last 3 months!

Monday, June 28, 2010

6.28.10 Deadlift & Fran

Great work in the gym today for me:

DL: 135x5, 185x5, 215x5, 255x5, 285x5 (PR+5#s)

Fran: 21-15-9 Thrusters and Pullups
6:24 (1:42 PR from previous attempt on 5.23.10!!)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

6.27.10 Shoulder Press and chipper

Shoulder Press: 45x8, 65x5, 75x5, 85x5, 95x5, 100x5 (PR +5#)
HSPU: 8x1 w/ 90 second rest (scale to 45# plate), 1x5 (scale to 45# & 25# plate)

60KB Swing (53#)
50 Box Jump (20")
40 Wall Ball (20#)
30 Pull Up
20 Knee to Elbow
10 Snatches (95#)
33 lunges w/ 35# Overhead

Good solid hard work.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

6.26.10 20 Chipper with burpees

20 Thrusters
20 Sumo deadlift high pulls
20 Push jerks
20 Overhead squats
20 Front squats
Every minute do 4 burpees then resume sequence where you left off.

Friday, June 25, 2010

6.25.10 Thrusters, run, db swings, ring dips

Thrusters: 45x10, 65x5, 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, finish with front squat 155x5

3 RFT:
Run Chateau Hill
21 DB Swings (2 30# dumbbells)
8 Ring Dips

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

6.22.10 metcon only: pushpress, burpees, knees to elbows

Needed a quick metcon so I came up with:

10 Pushpress 30# Dumbells
10 Burpees
10 Knees to elbows

6.21.10 - ME Deadlifts, Metcon: row, clean and jerk

Tonight I worked out with Joe F. again.  Good times.  Trained him in the clean.  Being a good coach is difficult stuff.  I'm glad Joe is letting me be his guinea pig!

Deadlift: 135x5, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5, 255x5, 280x5 (PR+5)

Buy In -
15 Muscle-up rows.

Southern European Sectional:
Event 1 "The Godfather"
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
250m Row
5 Squat Clean to Overhead (scaled from 135 to 115)

4 rounds + 150m rowed.  Good hard work!  My hamstrings were fatigued from the deadlifts before but this was a great workout.

10 L-sit pullups (5 pullup 5 chinup)

I should make things clear with a bit of an explanation on my programming: I am getting most of my workouts from Kempie who is programming for JTM.  Check out his blog at:  Kempie is a great coach, and "knows" my brother from brandx website.  I decided to follow Kempie's programming as much as possible to follow someone who can program way better than I can and to keep working on things I'd otherwise avoid.  I'm aiming at doing a crossfit strength biased (CFSB) programming that is tailored to my for at least one six week cycle I'm lifting heavy doing deadlifts, squats, and shoulder press (unless going climbing interferes) and doing metcons 4 to 6 days a week depending on the week and my schedule.

Monday, June 21, 2010

6.19.10-6.20.10 Climbing

Went climbing at Pinnacles this weekend. Didn't get to do a ton of routes but what I did was fun. Best route was a 150' sport/trad lead on a 5.9 that I did today, called Coyote Ugly on the rock called Tiburcio's X. Good stuff. One of the better routes I've ever led.

Me after reaching the summit:

Friday, June 18, 2010


135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 195x5, 205x5

For time:
21 - 15 - 9
KB Swings 53#
Box Jumps 33 inches

Felt strong today. Alex C. did this workout a few days ago so I had a time to beat. A good day in the gym. Then Alex showed up and did max wallballs in 7 minutes with a 20# wall ball. He did 68. So I had to see what I could do.

100 wallball 20#:
5:57 (prior PR 9:57 from ~1 year ago)
More great work!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I've missed posting for the last week:

Saturday 6.12.10 I chopped wood for about 1.5 hours...split some big stumps! Chopping wood with double-headed axes should be a regular part of every man's life!!

Sunday 6.13.10 This morning at the camp I did: 3RFT run 600m(ish), 30 rock jumps (like box jumps but on a 20ish" rock, 15 pushups: 11:42.

Monday 6.14.10
warmup: included 2x3 HSPU to 1 45# plate
deadlift: 205x5, 225x5, 255x5, 275x5
mini angie
50 pullups
50 pushups
50 situps
50 squats

The pushups took over 5 minutes because I suck at them and also did pushups in my workout yesterday. Pullups were fine but not grip was shot after doing all that axe-swinging on the weekend. I just couldn't hold onto the bar!

Today I needed to be quick so I made up a silly more like stupid or maybe retarded but kinda fun workout on the fly as I was warming up since I wussed out of running (or at least I told myself that my nagging knee pain would not like running down chateau ct which may be wisdom)

8 min amprap:
Started w/ 7 ring dips, 3 HSPU to a block o' wood
did amrap snatch 95#: 11
Min 2: 5 ring dips 2 HSPU (realizing the dips and HSPU were too ambitious and that I was doing an awful lot of pressing in this workout and realized I wouldn't be able to keep up the snatches for 10 minutes so I alternated w/ push jerks)
push jerks 95#: 11
Min 4: 5 dips, 1 HSPU, one 5 sec handstand hold (failed 3 HSPU attempts)
snatch 95#: 2
Min 6: 5 dips, 10 sec Handstand hold
push jerks 95#: 7
finished at 8 minutes...crapped out on the 10 minute workout. Bah.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Monday 6.7.10 & Wednesday 6.9.10

Monday I did my first workout at Crossfit East Bay, the box at 2 different climbing gyms, one in Oakland near Lake Merritt, the other a few minutes away in Berkeley.

It was an interesting day to show up:

In any order:

30 Thruster 135/85
60 C2B Pull-Ups
90 Clap Push-Ups/Push-Ups

Min 0:00 - perform reps of the above (thruster, C2B, Push-Up)
Min 3:00 - 15 "Lewin-Style" Reps Ground-to-Overhead 135/85:
--Perform 10 burpees every two minutes on the second minute
--Max rep Ground-to-Shoulder 135/85 (up to 15 then continue as below)
--If finished resume performing reps of the above (thruster, C2B, Push-Up)
Min 9:00 - perform reps of the above (thruster, C2B, Push-Up).
Min 12:00 -15 "Lewin-Style" Reps Overhead Squat* 135/85:
--Perform 20 walking lunge every two minutes on the second minute
--Max rep Overhead Squat 135/85 (up to 15 then continue as below)
--If finished resume performing reps of the above (thruster, C2B, Push-Up)
Min 18:00 - perform reps of the above (thruster, C2B, Push-Up).

30 minute limit.


Each minute to completion yields one point, rounded to nearest quarter point (:15/:30/:45)
Each missed rep adds one point to total score.
Each missed "Lewin-Style" rep adds three points to score.

I ended up doing 11 thrusters, 60 pullups, and 63 pushups (scaled from clapping pushups to pushups). For the "mini workouts" I got 12 GTOH and 15 front squats (scaled from OHS to front squats)

--Limited time today before church. Was going to do 4RFT: 3 muscle ups, 16 one arm db snatches 40#.
I was really tight from my workout 2 days ago but after the first 2 muscle ups I felt a twinge in my right bicep where it attaches to the bueno, so I called it there.

I was excited to do the snatches and could do them without a problem so I made up a quick WOD on the spot:

7 minutes:
Max one arm db snatches 40#
135 reps

I did right arm for ten then switched to left. It was hard but not killer. The muscle ups woulda been nice. But ya gotta listen to yer body and I hope I stopped before it got hurt.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

6.6.10 - double unders, GTOH,

Cash in: 2 min AMRAP HSPU: 9 (scaling to 2 25# plates and a towel)

Single leg squat: 5x65, 5x75, 5x95, 5x105 (PR) Was intending to jump to 5x85 but I actually don't have the right weight to do it!

5o Double unders
3 rounds of (3 GTOH 115, 10 knees to elbows)
4o Double unders
2 rounds of (3 GTOH, 10 KTE)
3o Double unders
1 round of (3 , 10)

Cash out - AMRAP 2:00 - Box Jumps: 49 (this was a box jump onto a stump in a planter box. ~20 inch high, 20 inch long)

6.5.10 DL & OHS

WU: 2 rounds: 5 pullups, 5 burpees, 15 mountain climbers, 10 cossack squats, 4 HSPU to a 45# plate (PR)
Deadlift: 8x135, 5x185, 5x205, 5x225, 3x5 255

Cash in: 2 min AMRAP Snatch 75#: 22 (going for sharp form, not sloppy)

Metcon: 12 minutes: Rounds of Run 200m, AMRAP Overhead Squat 95# (1st round) 85# all other rounds: 9, 6, 9, 12, 6, 8

Cash out: 2 min AMRAP Wall ball 20#: 49

Felt good! Could have done more on the DL, last week did 5x 255 then 5x275, but watching my form when I did 255 today Joe said I should stay at 255# and do sets across. But after doing the sets across we realized that not keeping my back set was more of a concentration thing than a form breakdown due to heavy weight. Gotta keep focusing on resetting my back and holding it for every rep!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

5.29.10 Climbing

Went climbing today with Byron, Jasun and Anna at Split Rock on Ring Mountain just north of the golden gate bridge. Absolutely gorgeous day and a good day of climbing!

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."
-E.H. Chapin

Friday, May 28, 2010


WU: 2 Rounds: 5 pullups, 15 OHS, 3 HSPU (rnd 1, 4 in rnd 2), 15 mountainclimbers
DL: 225x5, 255x5, 275x5
Iron plates on concrete suck compared to bumpers! Realized how spoiled I've been using Joe's bumpers!! Thanks Joe!

buy-in: 5 muscle-ups

metcon from JTM:
45 DU
30 squat clean 115#
20 ring dips
45 DU

The squat cleans were tough in the front squat. Splits: 53, 6:53, 9:50...and the DU at the end were awkward to get into the swing of things with. Good to do some DU at the end.
I forgot to do a High Rep DL!! Oh well, I guess I'll just say I'm easing into my strength biased program.

5.27.08 - Rest Day

"The great end of life is not knowledge but action."
-Thomas Huxley

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

5/26/10: Thrusters and hill run

Metcon day today and I had limited time (as usual on Wednesdays).
WU: 2 Rounds: 5 pullups, 15 OHS w/ dowel, 15 "mountain climbers", 4 HSPU (to 2 25# bumper plates)

3 Rounds:
5 Thrusters
Hill run
3 min Rest between rounds
1:26, 1:32, 1:35

I intended to do the thrusters at 115#, but like a schmuck did the first round at 105#, so did the second at 115#, third at 125#. Haven't measured the distance of the hill on my court. It's not real steep, but enough. I'd guess maybe around 150m-170m? Hill run consists of running up and back. Was doing the thrusters in 27-36 seconds. Gotta measure out the hill!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

5.25.10 - Rest Day

"Freedom is a process, a journey, and it moves at the speed of applied truth."
-Paul Scanlon

Monday 5/24/10: Single Leg Squat & Gorilla Madness

Worked out late with Joe and his buddies from work: Dan and Chris. Good times.

ME Single Leg Squat
Stopped there. Feeling a slight twinge in my left knee. I'm pretty unstable doing this for the first time, but since I don't have a squat rack, single leg squats are the way to go.

Joe built a "fat bar" barbell over the weekend and we had to test it out. Let's just say that Dan is great with coming up with punishing workouts!

"Gorilla Madness" (created and named by Dan)
3 RFT:
5 KB Swing (88#)
4 Tire Flip (375#)
3 Sandbag over 7' Rack (70#, can't use handles)
2 Deadlift (fat bar, 280#)
1 Farmer Walk 25 yards-ish (88# KB, 72# KB)

Good heavy work!

"Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course." Maybe Shakespeare worked out too?...hmm...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

5-23-10: Fran

No rack (so no squats) and no time for another strength movement today...barely even had time to do Fran, which is the WOD prescribed for JTM from 3.8.10 that right now I'm planning to start following...more on this soon!

5 pullups, 15 OHS, 3 HSPU to 2 25# bumper plates, 5 burpees, 15 OHS, 2 pullups, 5 thrusters 45#, 5 thrusters 65#, 2 thrusters 95#, 1 pullup

Fran as RX'd.
Thrusters (95)

8:06 (PR by 1:08)

Cashout: 2x3 HSPU

Bought the change weight from Play it Again Sports: 2 10#, 2 5#, 2 2.5# and 2 collars. Good stuff!