Monday, October 17, 2011

10/17/11: Shoulder Press, Weighted Chinups, Squat

Still watching the hamstring but it's getting better

Shoulder Press: 85x5, 95x5, 105 2x5
30# Weighted Chin Ups:  9, 9, 8
Squat 3x10 105# (rehab hamstring)

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Have fallen behind in posting...I'm still working around my bad hamstring but it is steadily getting better.
2 handstand pushups (to 25# bumper & abmat) on the minute, attempting 20 minutes.
@ 12 minutes went to singles, failed at 14 minutes.
Rest 5 minutes
7 Pushpress 40# DB
20 situps

BP 2x5 @ 145# (75%), 3 @ 160# (85%), 2x3 @ 170# (90%)

8 Rounds w/ 45 seconds rest
3 x 65# R-leg squat
3 R-leg Box Jumps 25"
6 Ring Dips

2x3 Wall facing Handstand Pushup (to abmat)
Push Press 135x5, 155x3, 1, f, 145x5

R-Arm 40# DB Snatch
L-Arm 40# DB Snatch
Toes to Bar

30 Muscle ups for time

First time doing MUs in awhile. This beats my previous best from 12/3/10 of 15:57.  Focusing on a solid false grip, pulling high, rings close to my body, and pacing myself every 20ish seconds. Only failed 3 or 4 times.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

10/8/11 BP, box jump, rind dips, pullups

From CF Football 9/30 Collegiate Off Season
BP singles: 155, 175, 185, 190
Max box jump r-leg: 33"
(could have done more but would have needed to recruit left leg too much)

15 - 10 - 5
BP 65% of max = 125#
Ring Dips (scaled up from bar dips)
Strict Pullups
(Jake did 10:23 w/ bar dips & 120#)

No pain in left shoulder!

10/6 OHS, Power Snatch, Sprint, Pulled Hamstring

With my left shoulder feeling better I'm easing back into upper body work. No shoulder pain for over a week.
OHS 45x5x2, 65x5, 75x2, 85x1, 95x1
Power Snatch 65x2, 75x2, 85x2, 85x2, 85x2, 95x2, 95x2, 95x2

100 yard sprints x 8 w/ 45 sec rest

Pulled left hamstring on first 100 yard sprint!  This is the exact same spot as when I pulled it last December.  Thankfully not near as bad so I know I don't need crutches, an MRI, or surgery.  Hopefully it will take weeks and not months to heal.  Frustrating since I was just getting back to close to full strength on my shoulder.  Guess it's time to focus on my upper body and hope the shoulder continue pain free!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

9.17.11 Max Squat

205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255 (lifetime PR by 5#s)

3 RFT:
Run Chateau hill
10 Box Jumps w/ 40# DBs
20 abmat situps

Friday, September 16, 2011

Welcome Back. 9.16.11 Columbia Hill & Columbia Park Loop

I have dropped off the proverbial blogging face of the earth...but it is time for a come back!!  Without further ado, here's my workout today:

Run Columbia Hill: Bottom to Thousand Oaks.
Rest 10 minutes
Run Columbia Park Loop.

Notes: The Columbia Park Loop is a PR from the last time I ran it 5/1/11 with a 6:27 when I was fresh.  Definitely put in some strong effort on the run today.

I have had an injured left shoulder for about 6 serious pain, and never pain when working out (when I'm warmed up and the blood is flowing).  But it hurt consistently when not working out by simply raising my arm in front of me, especially palm facing up.  I finally got it through my skull to take care of myself.  I'm committed to resting it for at least 2 weeks, and to doing mobility work.  After almost a week of rest it is already feeling much better and I no longer have pain, only a slight twinge here or there.