Sunday, June 6, 2010

6.5.10 DL & OHS

WU: 2 rounds: 5 pullups, 5 burpees, 15 mountain climbers, 10 cossack squats, 4 HSPU to a 45# plate (PR)
Deadlift: 8x135, 5x185, 5x205, 5x225, 3x5 255

Cash in: 2 min AMRAP Snatch 75#: 22 (going for sharp form, not sloppy)

Metcon: 12 minutes: Rounds of Run 200m, AMRAP Overhead Squat 95# (1st round) 85# all other rounds: 9, 6, 9, 12, 6, 8

Cash out: 2 min AMRAP Wall ball 20#: 49

Felt good! Could have done more on the DL, last week did 5x 255 then 5x275, but watching my form when I did 255 today Joe said I should stay at 255# and do sets across. But after doing the sets across we realized that not keeping my back set was more of a concentration thing than a form breakdown due to heavy weight. Gotta keep focusing on resetting my back and holding it for every rep!

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