Monday, November 2, 2009

Congruency and books and balance by adventure

Here are a few random thoughts:

First, a thought I've been pondering: The goal in relationships is to be congruent. To be able to be who I am on the inside and able to express it. To be authentic.

Second, here are a few books that have recently made it onto my book list that I hope to read. Eventually. In all my spare time when I'm not reading for homework!

Harville Hendrix – "Getting the Love You Want"
Irvin D. Yalom. "Existential Psychotherapy" (New York: Basic Books, 1980).
Robert S. McGee "The Search For Significance" (Thomas Nelson publisher)
Glasser, William. (1998). "Choice Theory: A new psychology of personal freedom". New York: Harper Collins.
"Existential Psychotherapy" by Irvin D. Yalom
Yalom’s "The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy"
I also want to read some Soren Kierkegaard on the concept of freedom (Kierkegaard, Søren. Perhaps "The Concept of anxiety", "Either/Or"

Third, a week and a half ago, from Wednesday to Thursday, I spent 78 hours working, in class, or studying. This week has been lighter, thankfully. As part of my goal to thrive and to live a balanced life, I'm hoping to pursue one adventure per month. At least. One day of climbing outdoors, or going on a hike. Or snowboarding. Or something adventurous. It feeds my hungry soul, clears my head, and brings me great joy.


Christy said...

Hey, somebody is blogging again! Nice of my RSS feeder to tell me!
I'm glad you are getting your thoughts out into the written word.
Take care of yourself and don't be a jerk on the slopes and try to spray someone with snow and then fall and get whiplash and then spend 20x the cost of a lift ticket on a chiropractor, ok? (subtle sarcasm: that would be my current life story.)

mountainmonkey7 said...

Good to hear from you! And I will try to take your advice to heart...

K scott said...

adventuring definitely has restorative properties! a hike, bike ride, or drive into unknown areas to explore always fires me up!