Monday, October 17, 2011

10/17/11: Shoulder Press, Weighted Chinups, Squat

Still watching the hamstring but it's getting better

Shoulder Press: 85x5, 95x5, 105 2x5
30# Weighted Chin Ups:  9, 9, 8
Squat 3x10 105# (rehab hamstring)

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Have fallen behind in posting...I'm still working around my bad hamstring but it is steadily getting better.
2 handstand pushups (to 25# bumper & abmat) on the minute, attempting 20 minutes.
@ 12 minutes went to singles, failed at 14 minutes.
Rest 5 minutes
7 Pushpress 40# DB
20 situps

BP 2x5 @ 145# (75%), 3 @ 160# (85%), 2x3 @ 170# (90%)

8 Rounds w/ 45 seconds rest
3 x 65# R-leg squat
3 R-leg Box Jumps 25"
6 Ring Dips

2x3 Wall facing Handstand Pushup (to abmat)
Push Press 135x5, 155x3, 1, f, 145x5

R-Arm 40# DB Snatch
L-Arm 40# DB Snatch
Toes to Bar

30 Muscle ups for time

First time doing MUs in awhile. This beats my previous best from 12/3/10 of 15:57.  Focusing on a solid false grip, pulling high, rings close to my body, and pacing myself every 20ish seconds. Only failed 3 or 4 times.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

10/8/11 BP, box jump, rind dips, pullups

From CF Football 9/30 Collegiate Off Season
BP singles: 155, 175, 185, 190
Max box jump r-leg: 33"
(could have done more but would have needed to recruit left leg too much)

15 - 10 - 5
BP 65% of max = 125#
Ring Dips (scaled up from bar dips)
Strict Pullups
(Jake did 10:23 w/ bar dips & 120#)

No pain in left shoulder!

10/6 OHS, Power Snatch, Sprint, Pulled Hamstring

With my left shoulder feeling better I'm easing back into upper body work. No shoulder pain for over a week.
OHS 45x5x2, 65x5, 75x2, 85x1, 95x1
Power Snatch 65x2, 75x2, 85x2, 85x2, 85x2, 95x2, 95x2, 95x2

100 yard sprints x 8 w/ 45 sec rest

Pulled left hamstring on first 100 yard sprint!  This is the exact same spot as when I pulled it last December.  Thankfully not near as bad so I know I don't need crutches, an MRI, or surgery.  Hopefully it will take weeks and not months to heal.  Frustrating since I was just getting back to close to full strength on my shoulder.  Guess it's time to focus on my upper body and hope the shoulder continue pain free!