Friday, October 29, 2010

10.29.10 Shoulder Press. metcon: pullups, burpees, & hill run 10.28.10 Tactical Strength Challenge!

Worked out with my buddy Alex Cardiasmenos so it was a good night!

Shoulder press: 65x5, 75x5, 95x5, 105x5, 110x5

3 RFT:
15 pullups
15 burpees
1 chateau ct hill run.
Nothing hard/heavy in this and did the pullups and burpees unbroken, just a good lung burner.  I was going to do the pullups as C2B but when Alex did it with a respectable 10:15 first (even though he's out of cardio shape for him) I decided I needed to try to beat him with regular pullups.  Maybe I should have tried to beat him with c2b but that's a good mini-goal to strive for in the future.

Did the tactical strength challenge today! Joe's idea for all of us to try this November.  I'll try it again sometime in late Novemeber.  Great fun!
1: 320#
2: 335#
3: 350#

deadhang Pullups:

24k Kettlebell Snatch in 5 minutes:
Total score: 76
(((325/440) + (15/20) + (75/100))/3 )*100 = 76

Thoughts on the challenge:
-Joe suggested we try a different kind of challenge each month and this was a great one to start off with rather than creating one ourselves which we all love to do!  Joe, Jerrod, Lisa, Amanda, and Jake will be the competitors, although Jake is too tweaked right now to be able to do this much upper body work this month.  Next month we'll do something that is all or predominantly lower body so he can join in the fun!
-Definitely room to improve on the snatches.  I have pretty sloppy form and don't drop under the weight much so I know I can get to 90.  I hope to have close to 100 by the end of Novemeber!
-On the deadlift I was not at my max even though it was a 20# pr!  The bar came up pretty quickly so I think I have about 20# more in me. 
-The pullups were interesting since the standard is a COMPLETE deadhang with NO kipping at all.  Joe correctly called one rep no good because I slightly kipped using my shoulders (and maybe my hips some too).  Also with the full range of motion being touching your neck or chest at the top it takes a bit more out of you too.  Interesting.  Certainly makes it a straightforward standard to judge.
-Fun stuff!!!  Below is the video of me.  Also, Bergen is included in the video, and he is just learning the movements so did lighter snatches and we weren't strict on his pullup form. Also included is my 10# pr on the clean and Jerk at 195# and some nice failures at 200#.  Once I get to 175# and higher I can't clean it...I just go into a power clean. Got to work on that since I'm easily getting it high enough on the pull!!

Joe mistakenly didn't include my pullups on the first video.  The interesting thing is that not only is my 10th rep no good, but Jerrod pointed out the first 5 are not true deadhangs either. Questionable. Good thing I'm doing this TSC again!  Here they are ... 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

10.25.10 Snatch & 10.26.10 Clean & Jerk and Heavy Baby Fran

Snatch skill work

Clean and Jerk: 65x4, 95x4, 115x2, 135, 150, 165, 175, 185 (tied PR), 195 (PR+10lbs), 200 f, f, f

Heavy Baby Fran
Thrusters 135lbs
C2B Pullups

Good to go heavy on the thrusters and push myself.  Broke it up into sets of 5 and 4 for the first round, then sets of 3 for the rest. c2b pullups were easy.

Friday, October 22, 2010

10-22-10 weighted pullups. Metcon: OHS, Burpees, Ring Dips

Warmup included 4 sets of hanging out in the bottom of the squat 30 seconds each pushing my chest up and butt down!!

Deadhand Pullups: 3@10#, 3@20#, 3@30#, 3@40#, 3@50#, 3@60# (PR), 2.5@65# (PR)

8 min AMRAP:
5 OHS 95#
8 Burpees
8 ring dips

4 Rounds even.

Pleased with my work today.  Probably should have only done 5 ring dips which would have allowed me to do more of every other movement, but it was still a good workout!  Haven't done OHS in a long time but I could tell a difference-I'm stronger in my shoulders and feeling a little more comfortable in the bottom from the stretching.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jerks. Run, Thrusters & Burpees

65x3, 95x3, 115x3, 135x3, 145x3, 155x3

Run 400
12 Thrusters 95#
21 burpees

Good to do jerks since it's been a looong time!  The metcon was just a grinding workout.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Deadlift & metcon: goblet step-ups, row, bench press

It's been too long!

3x135, 3x185, 3x225, 3x255, 3x285, 3x305

5 RFT:
10 step-ups to box. (per leg) w/ 70# kb in goblet squat position
250m Row
12 Bench Press 95#
Rest 2 min.
2:15, 2:19, 2:42, 2:27, 2:55

Good hard work with that planned rest!  The goblet step-ups were a cool movement and became tough to hold up in the later rounds.  Joe came up with a nice one here!  Good to be back to deadlifting after almost 4 months off!  Zero knee pain.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fran - Last workout of my twenties

Decided I needed to end my twenties with a bang so I had to choose a tough workout.  Weird, huh?  I think you guys get it though.  So I chose Fran... 21 - 15 - 9 of 95# thrusters and pullups.  Yep.  I was gunning for Joe's PR of 5:44.  Thought since I've been working on my shoulder press and doing some weighted pullups and feeling good today I just might have a chance.

I got 5:50.  It was a huge storm pain!!  I did the first set of thrusters and pullups unbroken (actually I rested the bar on my shoulders in the rack position once or twice on the thrusters) and that just punished me...But I didn't lay down and die or feel sorry for myself so I'm really pleased with a 34 second PR since I last did it in June...that was 5 days before I fell and fractured my knee!!  So I'm very happy with making this kind of progress and not loosing major work capacity over the short time domain after such a major setback that I've only been able to run once in the last 3 months!