Thursday, June 17, 2010


I've missed posting for the last week:

Saturday 6.12.10 I chopped wood for about 1.5 hours...split some big stumps! Chopping wood with double-headed axes should be a regular part of every man's life!!

Sunday 6.13.10 This morning at the camp I did: 3RFT run 600m(ish), 30 rock jumps (like box jumps but on a 20ish" rock, 15 pushups: 11:42.

Monday 6.14.10
warmup: included 2x3 HSPU to 1 45# plate
deadlift: 205x5, 225x5, 255x5, 275x5
mini angie
50 pullups
50 pushups
50 situps
50 squats

The pushups took over 5 minutes because I suck at them and also did pushups in my workout yesterday. Pullups were fine but not grip was shot after doing all that axe-swinging on the weekend. I just couldn't hold onto the bar!

Today I needed to be quick so I made up a silly more like stupid or maybe retarded but kinda fun workout on the fly as I was warming up since I wussed out of running (or at least I told myself that my nagging knee pain would not like running down chateau ct which may be wisdom)

8 min amprap:
Started w/ 7 ring dips, 3 HSPU to a block o' wood
did amrap snatch 95#: 11
Min 2: 5 ring dips 2 HSPU (realizing the dips and HSPU were too ambitious and that I was doing an awful lot of pressing in this workout and realized I wouldn't be able to keep up the snatches for 10 minutes so I alternated w/ push jerks)
push jerks 95#: 11
Min 4: 5 dips, 1 HSPU, one 5 sec handstand hold (failed 3 HSPU attempts)
snatch 95#: 2
Min 6: 5 dips, 10 sec Handstand hold
push jerks 95#: 7
finished at 8 minutes...crapped out on the 10 minute workout. Bah.

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