Tuesday, June 22, 2010

6.21.10 - ME Deadlifts, Metcon: row, clean and jerk

Tonight I worked out with Joe F. again.  Good times.  Trained him in the clean.  Being a good coach is difficult stuff.  I'm glad Joe is letting me be his guinea pig!

Deadlift: 135x5, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5, 255x5, 280x5 (PR+5)

Buy In -
15 Muscle-up rows.

Southern European Sectional:
Event 1 "The Godfather"
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
250m Row
5 Squat Clean to Overhead (scaled from 135 to 115)

4 rounds + 150m rowed.  Good hard work!  My hamstrings were fatigued from the deadlifts before but this was a great workout.

10 L-sit pullups (5 pullup 5 chinup)

I should make things clear with a bit of an explanation on my programming: I am getting most of my workouts from Kempie who is programming for JTM.  Check out his blog at: http://crossfitjtm.blogspot.com/.  Kempie is a great coach, and "knows" my brother from brandx website.  I decided to follow Kempie's programming as much as possible to follow someone who can program way better than I can and to keep working on things I'd otherwise avoid.  I'm aiming at doing a crossfit strength biased (CFSB) programming that is tailored to my schedule...so for at least one six week cycle I'm lifting heavy doing deadlifts, squats, and shoulder press (unless going climbing interferes) and doing metcons 4 to 6 days a week depending on the week and my schedule.

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